Remodelers Council

Welcome to the Wichita Area Builders Association Remodelers Council! We are here to serve you – the homeowner!

Originally formed to further the professionalism of those businesses engaged in the remodeling industry, the Council and its members have become recognized as leaders in the remodeling industry in Kansas.

The goal of every member of the Remodelers Council is to provide you with the type and quality of service that you have a right to expect. Every member is dedicated to the promotion of excellence, education, and professionalism within the remodeling segment of the home building industry. Council members attend regular monthly meetings, participate in educational seminars, and keep abreast of what is new in the industry – whether that be products, services, or new construction techniques.

If you are considering remodeling your home, you will want to do business with a true industry professional – a member of the WABA Remodelers Council!

Find A Council Member

Sarah Suter

Quality Granite & Interiors


Jason Huang

Wichita Granite & Cabinetry


Vision Statement

To promote professional remodeling through public awareness, education and ethical practices.

Code of Ethics

Upon applying for membership in the Remodelers Council, each business is required to read and sign our Remodelers Code of Ethics. Members who violate this Code are subject to review by the Council Executive Committee and risk expulsion from the Council for violation of the Code of Ethics.

Remodeling Tips

Remodeling can be challenging! We have compiled some tips, tools, and resources to help you navigate the process.

Helpful Resources

Wichita Area Builder’s Association


Better Business Bureau


City of Wichita Licensing


Sedgwick County Licensing


Members of the Remodelers Council also serve the community by contributing both labor and materials to community projects, such as making improvements to the Ronald McDonald House, Big Brothers/Big Sisters building, the Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation facilities, the Wichita Children’s Home, and many others.