There are thousands of legitimate, ethical contractors in business around the country. Unfortunately, there are also scam artists looking to cheat you out of your money who pose as legitimate contractors. These “fly-by-night” operators often show up in communities impacted by natural disasters to try to scam distressed homeowners into paying for shoddy repairs or work that they will never show up to perform.
The Wichita Area Builders Association consists of more than 1,000 members, including residential and light construction builders, developers, remodelers, suppliers, sub-contractors, banking industry officials, and attorneys. These WABA members have been vetted by the Builders Association and are licensed and insured.
In light of the structural losses caused by the recent Andover Tornado, WABA has compiled a list of Builders, Contractors, Suppliers and Financial Institutions that are available to work with Andover Homeowners immediately to help in the rebuilding process. The Contractor List is available below. In addition, available below are two downloadable resource information sheets to assist homeowners. The first is “Selecting A Contractor: Important Information You Should Know” and the second “Don’t Get Scammed: Find A Qualified Contractor”.